Utility FAQ

This page is set up to answer some of the frequently asked questions as it comes to utility usage and rates. 

How can I check my historical water usage?
What are the current water rates?
How do I read my meter?
What is an irrigation water meter? 
Could a secondary meter save me money in the long run?
What will the second meter cost?
Why is a separate tap required?
How accurate is my water meter?

If there are questions you have that are not answered here please click here to send us an email so we can add them!


Q. How can I check my historical water usage?

A. You can check your historical usage online by logging into your account. If you have never set up your account before you will need to Register before being able to log in.

To view your historical usage follow these steps.

  1. Go to our municipal payments portal. https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/jerseyvillagetx/utilities
  2. Click on Sign In or Sign Up.
  3. Type in your username and password. Click Login.
  4. On the left hand side click on “Consumption”.
  5. The graph and table on that page show your usage for the last 24 months.


You can also view your transactions (ie. What you have paid for your bill) going back to at least 2018. 

Q. What are the current water rates?


The rates that were adopted on November 27, 2023 and are currently in effect are as follows:

(1)   Effective October 1 and continuing through September 30 of the Fiscal Year Indicated in the following table, the table reflects the basic monthly service charges and water rate charge per 1,000 gallons for the various customer classes for water service:


Residential Rates






Basic monthly service charge






0-3,000 Gallons






3,001 - 6,000 Gallons






6,001 - 12,000 Gallons






12,001 - 25,000 Gallons






Over 25,000 Gallons






Residential Sprinkler






Basic monthly service charge






0 - 6,000 Gallons






6,001 - 19,000 Gallons






Over 19,000 Gallons












Basic monthly service charge






All Usage






Commercial Sprinkler






Basic monthly service charge






All Usage






Commercial—Outside city






Basic monthly service charge






First 3,000 gallons






Over 3,000 gallons






Commercial sprinkler—Outside city






Basic monthly service charge






First 3,000 gallons






Over 3,000 gallons






(2)   Effective October 1 and continuing through September 30 of the Fiscal Year Indicated in the following table, the table reflects the basic monthly service charges and wastewater service with the wastewater service being calculated upon all usage through the water meter for the various customer classes for wastewater service:

Residential Rates






Basic monthly service charge






0-3,000 Gallons

$ 4.97

$ 5.46

$ 6.01

$ 6.61

$ 7.27

3,001 - 6,000 Gallons

$ 6.21

$ 6.83

$ 7.51

$ 8.27

$ 9.09

6,001 - 12,000 Gallons

$ 7.76

$ 8.54

$ 9.39



12,001 - 25,000 Gallons

$ 9.70





Over 25,000 Gallons












Basic monthly service charge






All Usage

$ 5.97

$ 6.57

$ 7.22

$ 7.94

$ 8.74

Commercial —Outside city






Basic monthly service charge






All Usage







Water usage registered through an irrigation meter shall not be included in the calculation of wastewater charges. 


Q. How Do I Read My Meter?

Each month your water meter is read for billing purposes. The City reads the meter using remote technology. But you can view the numbers on your meter as well. To read the meter, it is read from left to right, just like an odometer in your vehicle. The City bills in the thousands, therefore the last three numbers are not part of the billed reading.


For example: a reading of "0 0 8 9 6 2 6 0" will result in a bill reading of 896.

Please view this handout for a full explanation and pictures on how to read your meter.

What is an irrigation water meter? 

A water irrigation meter is a water meter that exclusively records water used for outdoor watering and irrigation. This additional meter provides utility customers the following benefits:

· Reduced wastewater (sewer) bills because wastewater charges only apply to indoor usage and not to the irrigation meter usage

· Accurate measurement of outdoor water use

· Separate shutoff for the irrigation system

There are additional costs required for the purchase of the meter and installation. There is a separate meter fee, as noted in the water rates above. However, a dedicated irrigation meter pays for itself over time. In general, dedicated irrigation meters are a great benefit to utility customers and are encouraged.

Could a secondary meter save me money in the long run?

The best way to save money is to conserve the water you use, but if you use water to irrigate the lawn or garden, you should consider installing an irrigation meter - it registers outside water usage only. Since the water does not enter the sanitary sewer system, you will be billed for water usage only. If you use a lot of water outside the house, this could result in significant savings particularly on your summertime water bills.

What will the second meter cost?

In order to save money in the long run, expect to cover these initial costs associated with installing a water irrigation meter: · Purchase of the secondary water meter (Schedule of Fees)

· All costs to install the necessary plumbing on your side of the meter

· If installing a new irrigation system, backflow prevention device, certification testing, and the purchase of necessary permits

· Costs associated with meter installation: your property may require a Short Side Tap (Water main is on the same side of the road as your property) or Long Side Tap (Water main is on the opposite side of the road from your property). A qualified plumber with the capability to perform a water tap into the city’s main water line is required and can specify the type of tap needed for installation.

Why is a separate tap required?

· A separate tap into the City’s main water line will ensure both your household meter and irrigation meter receive proper pressure

· A separate tap will ensure all plumbing and related components are of proper sizing

Additional installation questions about the tap can be directed to the Utility Supervisor at 713-466-2158. Utility billing related questions can be directed to 713-466-2111.

Q. How accurate is my water meter?

A. The design of our residential and commercial water meters does not allow for the city to adjust or reset the read dials of the meter. With age, the meters slow down and can stop registering completely, but they can not arbitrarily run faster. The mechanical parts are not capable of speeding up to register a significantly higher reading than actual consumption.

All meters are calibrated and tested in the factory before they are shipped. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) requires meters to be within 98.5 percent and 101.5 percent accuracy to be usable. This means they only allow for an error rate of 1.5 percent. In Jersey Village water bills are charged per 1,000 gallons. This means if your usage was exactly 1,000 gallons, the registered consumption could actually be 15 gallons higher or lower each month and be within AWWA guidelines.

If your average billed consumption is 7,000 gallons, that means at 98.5 percent you could actually have used a minimum of 6,895 gallons or 105 fewer gallons per month. If the meter was running at 101.5 percent, that would amount to 1,260 gallons over the course of a year, or $0.73 per month for rates effective in Fiscal Year 2023. You could also be undercharged the same amount based on the acceptable meter variance. However, rarely does a meter test show the meter exceeds 100 percent. More often, the meter slows down to where it under-registers or even stops. From May to November of 2023 five residential water meters were tested, at the request of residents. Four of those meters came back within the 1.5% tolerance. One meter came back as registering at about 87%, which means the resident was being underbilled for water. 

If you feel strongly that your meter is not working properly, you may request it be tested by a third-party meter testing. The charge for a standard residential meter test is $100. If the results show your meter is running outside the AWWA standards, your testing fees will be refunded. If the results show the meter is running high the city will calcuate a refund on water usage and the water meter will be replaced with a new one. If the results show the meter is running low there is no recalculation of past bills, but the water meter will be replaced with a new one. To request a water meter test email us at water@jerseyvillagetx.com or call us at 713-466-2111.